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Why New Hope?

At New Hope, we pledge to ensure the well-being of each client, their family and the community, by providing the best possible services in a responsible manner.

Program Philosophy
Behavior management is the cornerstone of programming at New Hope.  A positive point level system is used to teach residents to be accountable for their actions.  The level a youth earns relates directly to privileges and restrictions.  Efforts are made in individual and group counseling to orientate the youth to the level of responsibility that is a prerequisite to becoming a young adult.

Therapeutic Services
New Hope provides residents with counseling services designed to enhance self-image, teach problem-solving techniques and strengthen both family and communal relationships.  Therapeutic services are also available for families of residents.  Family members are encouraged to participate in the process whenever deemed appropriate.

Educational Opportunities
The New Hope campus of the Central R-III School District was started in order to effectively serve the needs of children in crisis.  These children are believed to be at risk of dropping out of school and leading dysfunctional lives.  Students are taught the four basic academic subjects as well as physical education, transition skills and social skills.

Recreational Opportunities
New Hope is in the heart of Missouri's Parkland and adjoins the 4,000 acre St. Joseph's Park.  Residents can experience the wilderness by participating in multiple recreational activities and enjoy the outdoors while enhancing their physical health and self-esteem.
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